Monday, 18 October 2010

DVD Menu

We are now moving on to the next stage of the project creating DVD menu's. The project information tells us to create a DVD menu for a film of four genres: Independent Sci-fi, Independent Drama, Independent Horror or Children's animation.

I chose a Independent Sci-fi because it is one of my favourite genre's because of the convention like unknown phenomenon and and how the movie has futuristic and spacial content. I felt too choose this genre from my idea's pont of view.

The first assignment is indefinatly reseach. which is pre-production reseach which will include
Client and audience needs
Target audience 
Resources & BUDGET – location access, cast and equipment
Techniques -  Filming e.g. location & Editing
Similar/Existing products - Content
Legal & ethical considerations 

Monday, 4 October 2010

Movie poster

My Movie Poster is now finished and I am very happy and impressed with the final product. My Movie is called ‘What U.F.O’s Do’ it is an Action/Sci-fi movie with an Alien Invasion Theme.
This final outcome has a few differences such as the title has changed from "Unseen strike it's UFOs!" to What UFOs Do. I changed the name from the draft because the story line changed to alien abduction instead of the U.F.O striking. 
I created a U.F.O ship from nothing and added filter effect, which has been copied and opacity taken down to show movement.
 I also made a green mask and used blending options and feathered it to make a abduction tractor beam.
I also got a picture of the houses then used the magic wand tool along with the curves adjustment layer to make it look like night and darken the top. Then i got a picture of the atmosphere to lead up to the space image to establish that the U.F.O is arriving from space, i thought this was very effective.
I used a online title quickly because i did not have the time and my lack of experience and knowledge in Photoshop title editing.

I used a movie poster maker to make my Movie credits which i made and saved off the internet.
I also rated the European certificate Rated 15 from analyzing the movie ideas there is a strong blood content and computer generated aliens but not to explicit.

New Skills

The class was shown Photoshop a week ago. Although I already had Photoshop experience it was a good idea to re-run a base skills tutorial because I hadn’t used the program in quite a while I was a bit rusty.
I learnt how to use the different lasso tools such as the magnetic one where it connects to the nearest pixels which helps with big objects if you want to cut it quicker, but not as good with small objects. I also learned how to use the quick section and magic wand tool which is good for pasting out different layers of an image.
I also learnt how to use blending options where you can change images and text to do different effects like making it look like the image are cut out of background or the other way round. I also learnt a few Keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl J to duplicate also Space then move your mouse and click to move the image viewing, Ctrl +- to zoom in and out of my image.

Over-all my entire mind has been refreshed of Photoshop.
I also learnt that RGB is used for Web-based purposes and CMYK is for printing.

Mood board Annotations

I have scrambled together my various magazine cuttings to create my mood board to create my Sci-fi Movie Poster. I think my Mood board is very abstract and cool; the visual feel to it is very well put together with red and greys as the most dominant colour schemes. I have now included annotations for the individual cuttings and my views on them these consist of things related to Space, violence, urban art, extra terrestrial.
My imagery is selected to carefully represent a range of Sci-fi elements all to represent the mood of my piece.  Due to the Space element and mention of ‘planet terror’ suggests a science fiction genre themes such as alien invasion or encounter. I have also targeted a mood of uncertainty and unsettledness.
For my poster my mood board has included elements of killing, exploding destruction moreover the colour ‘red’ which is associated with death, violence and blood also terror. I will hope to achieve a final poster that inspires fear but also keeps to the sci-fi genre and also shows an extra terrestrial element along with uncertainty. Click on the picture to get a good look at the annotations.

Mood Board

Mood boards are images pulled together to express designs and ideas. All these images combine in to a visual style.
I have been creating a science fiction mood board including many different things which link to this Science Fiction genre such as fonts, relevant pictures and urban styles. I put explosions, Film Noir, mystical elements, Special Forces, Medieval killing theme, all these images link to the Sci-fi genre.

Creating Film Posters

Today I sketched out 3 ideas for my main Movie Posters. I made sure to use different genres and defiantly pinpointing the specific genres for these posters. I have made A Sci-fi, Drama and action thriller posters.
I also made things look as the genre including Titles and characters and pictures also sub titles along with colours, also other initial elements such as Tag Lines, Film Credits, Film Awards and Actor tiles.
My sketches aren’t great but there good enough for you to see what I’m getting at. I have made these posters to help me figure out what type of poster I want to choose to create in Photoshop. The things I must move on and think about are the colours, Font styles and colour layout.
I have to show these pictures of my camera because I haven’t scanned them yet.
This is the poster i have chosen it is a Sci-fi poster called 'Unseen Strike is U.F.O's !'

Week One – Skills profile

My first project assignment will consist of using Photoshop to create a Movie Poster.
I already know the basics how to use Adobe Photoshop, I have experience of Photoshop use at home this product is similar to using after effects so I picked up some functions from the program. I Find Photoshop a bit confusing some times because of how tools are used in different ways but lately I have been using more often therefore getting past this.
I can use effectively things such as

·         Workspace Organization
·         Layers
·         Levels
·         Hue and Saturation
·         Curves
·         Colour Balance and other image adjustments and image modification
·         Masks
·         Brushes
·         The Selection Tool
·         Clone Stamping
·         Healing brush
·         Using Blending Modes
·         Text
·         Magnetic lasso tool
·         Eraser
I have only done subjects like touching up images for some work projects or Facebook etc making images look funny or cool like putting a funny hat on someone or put supernatural effects on or to disfigure someone to make them look amusing. I have also used it sometimes for pre editing layers for my after effects projects like titles or information images. I have also used it for a DVD cover and Poster.
I would like to learn some more Photoshop skills and get more comfortable and fluent with the programs use.  I would like to know how to go into detail with the program and create more professional and arty pieces in detail along with being able to draw and animate. I believe all these things will help me create better work and cut time.