Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Skills Profile - Advertising made with video editing.

In the next 5 weeks i will be creating Pre production, production, post production for an advertisment in groups. This is my Skills profile containing all the skills i already have that will help me.

I know quite a few video and sound editing software's that i use sometimes at home.

This is Adobe Soundbooth, i sometimes use for sound editing. this software is only for Professional Sound Editing and provides a big range of sound modifying capabilities.
  • Such as sound mixing
  • Sound volume changing (dB's)
  • Also Exporting at different kilo hurt levels and bit rate.
  • Comparing audio tracks

This is Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 + 5, 6 i have used this software package multiple times for different projects Ive done like music videos and trailers. This is a powerful Professional cutting software in comparison to Apple's Final Cut Pro. we are going to be using this software for this project for editing processes
 I am hoping to get a more fluent with transitions and sound mixing with sound effects.

I use Sony Vegas to edit all my sound mainly, this is productive program for the job, because originally the software was only used for sound thats why its so usefull. I use this program to combine my sound track and fade down and fade on. I do not use this product for video editing because i havent needed to.

This is Final Cut Pro 7 is the same as Adobe Premiere but the performance is better with all HD files because itys designed for Mac rather than Windows. I know the basics of this program like cutting and importing also transitions.

IMovie this is a software that comes free with Apple formats that is a basic cutting movie editing software similar to Windows Movie Maker i have not used this program very fleuently but i no how to the layout and Adobe Premiere Elements 7 which is a besic version of premiere pro for slightly less proffessional users.

I used encore in the last project for creating a dvd menu, refer back to the previous posts on encore earlier in the blog.

I use After effects for all my major major effects that i create at home.